General Pain 

Understanding your pain...

Pain is the body's warning sign that there is a problem. Ignoring or masking the pain is like covering an indicator light in your car with tape. The underlying problem still exists, you just can't see what damage is being done. People shrug off pain every day thinking it will work its way out, but that may not be the case. You might need to seek professional help to correct the problem and prevent future problems.

Acute vs. Chronic Pain

Acute Pain

Acute pain is any pain that is new to the body. Acute pain can last from minutes to several months. It can range from mild to severe in intensity, and the cause of the pain is usually known. Sprains and strains, cuts, broken bones, and surgeries are just some examples of acute pain. While not all acute pain requires medical treatment, it is important to obtain the proper care for acute pain to prevent any longterm residual effects. For example, a sprain or strain that is not properly treated in a timely fashion can cause future reinjury or lead to a more chronic pain. 

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain lasts more than six months and might be accompanied by insomnia, exhaustion, and even depression. Chronic pain can linger long after an illness or injury has healed and can greatly decrease quality of life. Though chronic pain can be associated with many conditions, some of the most common chronic pain conditions include headaches, back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, nerve pain, and arthritic conditions. Its unrelenting nature can impact mental and emotional health in addition to physical health.

Pain Can Affect You Physically, Emotionally, and Mentally.
Acute and chronic pain can both affect you physically, emotionally, and mentally. That is why it is important to address all aspects of pain. Pain in one area can often cause issue in many other areas of the body.
Physical pain causes you to feel emotions like irritability and anxiety that go away when the pain subsides. However, as pain becomes more chronic and prevents you from doing things that you enjoy or prevents you from engaging in normal daily activities. This can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and anger. Pain can also lead to repetitive negative thoughts about your life and your pain, as well as a sense that you have no control. This can further intensify the pain. This cycle becomes self-perpetuating.
Dr. Kane understands what it is like to experience pain. Cancer and cancer treatment and recovery were painful and physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausting. Yet her experience working with her chiropractic and acupuncture patients for many years prior to her cancer diagnosis allowed her to witness firsthand the healing capacity of the mind, body, and spirit.
She recognized the power of involving the mind, body, and spirit in the healing process, and chose multiple healing modalities for the best possible outcomes. Today Dr. Kane is healthier and stronger than ever before, and is passionate about helping her patients take control of their health and use all the resources of their minds, bodies, and spirits to achieve true health.

Ask Dr. Berry Anything. You'll Be Glad You Did.

The Village Chiropractic Center Can Help

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Patient Reviews

TOM, St. Augustine, FL

Dr. Berry,

I would like to thank you for showing concern for a new client. I came to your office last Thursday and your putting concern for me instead of your business SAVED MY LIFE. You arranged for me to get an EKG prior to the chiropractic visit, and that set a series of events in motion that led to having a 100% blockage in my artery removed that same day. If I had delayed (or not followed through with your instructions) I might not be here today. I want to thank you for having that concern and wait until I get back into your office and thank you personally. Again, thanks.

Elmer B.

Just before Christmas I stopped in your office, late in the day unannounced, and you were getting ready to leave. You delayed your departure to take care of the pain in my neck. Later, after you left, I learned that you were anxious to leave because your wife was not well.

Sir, that is patient care "above and beyond"! Many thanks for your special attention in light of the circumstances.

Blessings, E.B.


After years of pain, Dr. Berry and his staff gave me a new lease on life. When I leave their office after a treatment I have so much energy and are virtually pain free.

Thanks for changing my pain to painfree.



About two years ago I took a fifteen hour road trip, after which I experienced extreme pain in my back and right leg. After recieving treatment from various massage therapists and chiropractors for two years I experienced no real pain relief.

I was sharing my experiences with several of my friends one evening and one of my friends spoke of Dr. Berry who was successful in treating her husbands leg discomfort.

Dr. Berry introduced me to the ProAdjuster. I was given detailed information on how it works and why I was having pain. The information he has given me has become a path to my recovery.

Dr. Berry and his staff are kind, caring health professionals. They make it easy and comfortable to share the details of my pain. In a few short weeks my pain has subsided.


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